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 Bangladesh Teacher: MS Lizoon

''Like, the INVICE 2020 is beneficial for my students as they got to learn and experience the Indian culture and also it instilled the feelings of international harmony and responsibilities in them.''


  Indonesian Teacher: Putu Tuty Ariyani

 ''This program is very good because through this program I can give my students international experience and they can practice their speaking skill. I hope this program can be done continuously every year or we can do another collaboration program again, not just this but may be can do some project that can be done between your students and my students next time.''

Brazil Teacher: Dandara Mesquita

It was a great experience for me and my students to be in touch with the lovely students from India during the virtual exchange. We learned so much about Indian culture!Moreover, we could also share about Brazilian culture. Seeing that interaction, that otherwise would not be possible, made us feel connected and realize that despite being from such diverse cultural backgrounds, we had so much in common. I leave here our appreciation to this beautiful project.

Brazil Teacher : Carla Simini

''Last year, when my students and I got the chance to participate in this extraordinary project and learn many interesting facts about the Indian Culture and Education System. It was quite a rich experience for me as a teacher and undoubtedly for my students, who could learn more about other country and understand how important and rewarding it is to speak another language besides their mother tongue.''