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What We Learnt From This?

Virtual Exchange Program is one of the finest means to utilize the technology as a way to foster intercultural dialogue between schools in different countries to interact and exchange ideas on global concerns. 

It gave us the opportunity to meet students of different countries and experience their culture. We interacted and tried to understand each other’s culture, values and way of living. It taught us to respect and understand other cultures promoting cross-cultural understanding. As we all were from different countries thus speaking different languages, English acted as the medium of interface and we got to learned many new languages developing multicultural aptitude. It helped us in gaining self-confidence and sharpening our technical and social skills, which are definitely going to help us in future. 

Around 10 students from our school participated in this cultural exchange program through video conference on Google Meet and explored topics like:

    - Education System 

   - Education in the times of COVID-19 

   -Food and Festivals 

   - Arts and Monuments 

The virtual exchange session started with an exchange of pleasantries like ‘Namaste’ and ‘Hello’ from different countries. The session entailed exchange of questions on the history of the country, languages, school curriculum, sports, festivals, cuisine, society etc. The discussion on society, status of women, everyday day to day school schedule, various sports the children play, the subjects that they study and the curricular activities that they have in school were highlighted in the discussions. The schools appreciated the platform where they got an exposure to interacted with students of different countries, understand each- others uniqueness and spread the message of peace and happiness, across the globe, crossing all the regional and global barriers.