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BRAZIL: Iris Pestana 

''It was very impressive.I got so much knowledge about India and the world we live in. It will definitely help me in future to see and observe things vast in nature." 

BRAZIL: Izamell Leite 

"I appreciate this initiative to start this INVICE and I made a lot of indian friends which I don't think I would be able to do if this programme wasn't held. Thanking teachers and students simultaneously.''

INDONESIA: Dilla Chanda 

''I would like to say thank you for the opportunity and the best experience. It was a great honor for me to be a part of this Virtual Cultural Exchange. I got a lot of new experiences and I also got to  know more about Indian Culture which is unique and wonderful. Moreover, I also got new friends. They are very friendly and kind-hearted. Nice to meet you, see you soon.''

BRAZIL: Blume Kafer 

''The programme was so good and organized very well. I had an amazing experience which is going to be with me forever. I thank all the teachers and students for making me a part of this.''

BRAZIL: Giovanna Barbosa 

"Being inside our houses due to covid 19 yet being able to talk to people of another country through such a programme has really proved very beneficial for her. Hoping to make more interactions soon."

BRAZIL: Neto Mesquita 


The Cultural Exchange Programme and I learned a lot about other countries and in someway also about the people and their experiences. This made me realise that the world is much bigger and complex than we think. I am excited to see these countries with my eyes and learn more about people and culture.''